Destiny McCoy

I created this space with you in mind. What you’re experiencing is real. It’s not in your head. More than 1 in 5 people live with a mental illness, and rates have become even more prevalent in BIPOC populations. Among the most common mental health conditions are anxiety disorders, for which nearly 40% of people receive no professional treatment. These conditions are amplified by structures and by-products of systemic oppression that marginalize people, severely impacting their quality of life and often leading to debilitating effects.

There is a need for safe spaces practicing healing-centered approaches that authentically address mental health issues in bold and personable ways. Here, we embody the radical idea that wellness is the foundation and conduit through which you can live your desired life.
In this space, we redefine wellness.
In this space, we hear you.
In this space, we see you.

Destiny home image